Living Lucid: How Lucidao is Building a New Future of Value

4 min readJul 22, 2022


Access to physical assets has long equaled wealth, and for most of time, societies assumed this was the only way. From ships to spice and the earliest forms of paper money, you pretty much always needed something you could hold in your hands if you wanted to (no pun intended) strike gold.

But then came the first technological revolutions, and eventually, the internet, which changed everything we know about value and access to wealth. The rise of web3 has created a new asset class of its own in the form of cryptocurrency, offering a more accessible and advanced path towards wealth and financial sovereignty for those willing to chart their own path.

At Lucidao, we look to the future while understanding what’s come before us — in our case, the historical value of physical goods. As we look forward, we have built ways for you to access what will often be rare and remarkable physical items through the innovation frameworks of crypto and DeFi. Our Oracles are trusted entities who connect real-life products and services to our protocol, bringing generations of experience and excellence in their respective fields. Through their verification and curation process, our users can reap the full benefits of physical goods, which can provide a more stable backdrop to the oft-volatile nature of digital assets. In tandem, our DAO and governance token puts the power in our communities’ hands.

Our Oracles are trusted entities who connect real-life products and services to our protocol, bringing generations of experience and excellence in their respective fields

So what exactly do that value and innovation look like for you? What’s this bold new path we are charting? And why is now the time?

Lucidao is a trusted alternative to relying solely on the crypto markets to hold, hedge, and trade your wealth. Our mission is to create a seamless pathway between digital and real-world assets to unlock value for a new generation.

Here’s just a few ways how:

Trust without effort

Think about all the time people spend having to verify if something is legitimate and trustworthy. While the truth is of the utmost importance to every aspect of our society, we yearn for more plug-in, efficient systems to get us to a place of peace of mind and confidence. Blockchain infrastructure, a permanent and secure ledger of transactions, presents boundless opportunities for verifying legitimacy. When using Lucidao, users can be confident that their exchanges are legitimate due to our vetted third-party oracles, who do the work for you to verify the physical goods. And we know that no two oracles are built exactly the same: we have designed different types of contracts that allow us to verify each and every one of them.

As an extra security measure, to be eligible to bring off-chain data on Lucidao, Oracles must provide a track record of transactions and business structure behind the product or service they are willing to deliver within the DAO protocol. Furthermore, they must hold and deposit a significant amount of LCD tokens to partake in our ecosystem. Unfortunately, seeing isn’t always believing — and our protocol ensures that what you hold is real.

Diversify Your Gains

You’ve heard the term “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Well, what goes for eggs goes as well for your crypto gains, or any gains or that matter. We don’t shy away from the fact that the crypto market is prone to serious volatility. You can still be a crypto investor of the digital-first generation and want to move some of your wealth to physical items with more historical consistency.

Thinking big means thinking outside of the box and setting yourself up for success. Our protocol helps you flexibly diversify your gains and hedge your bets in a trusted setting with deep liquidity. Speaking of…


You got into crypto because you enjoy speed, efficiency, and doing things on your terms. We believe the same level of accessibility and innovation that goes for digital assets should translate into real-world assets and the exchange of the two. While other platforms that enable exchanging physical assets for digital ones require tedious intermediaries, high transaction fees, and time, ours does not. Lucidao allows you to move value between the digital and physical world without the roadblocks that come with it. The value is right there — and it’s yours for the taking.

Access to the Aspirational

Why settle for what was when you could be a part of what’s next? In 2022, there’s a whole new community and industry with a taste for the finer things in life. You’re not part of a generation that settled for “too young” or “too new.” Lucidao can help enable you access to items and liquidity previously out of reach or held back by primitive access and technology. We will help you access value creation anywhere, anytime.

An explanation is nothing without action. At Lucidao, we’ll soon introduce the first of our digital apps, a revolutionary marketplace and first of its kind, to bring world-class luxury goods to your life (and your crypto wallet). In these uncertain, complex, and exciting times, we believe you deserve another path for holding and trading value, a bridge to bring us from the past to the future.

Let us show you the way:




Written by Lucidao

Lucidao is the bridge between your real-world assets and the blockchain.

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